Designer Family Living

Situated in the prestigious and newly developed Cygnia Cove Estate, this riverside address glows with upscale finesse and contemporary functionality. Enjoy the utmost modern lifestyle that offers everything you will ever need at your doorstep. Stepping in from the elite street, this home commands an authentic street presence. This home is big enough to suit a dynamic and fast-paced family, while simultaneously offering easy maintenance. The styling team at Design Sister were inspired by the trendy urban aesthetic and bespoke appointments throughout the property, and they selected a complete LUXURY look and further complimented the scheme with a sophisticated contemporary influence in the high-end furniture selections. Sophisticated, sleek, trendy and modern were the four design elements the Design Sister team prioritised when curating the interior concept. The generous sized, light filled and open plan layout inspired a textured approach, keeping a classy grey, monochromatic scale colour palette, punctuated with contemporary hues.
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